Coleman McCormick


January 1, 2019 • #

With 2018 in the rear view, it’s time to set some goals for 2019.

Here are some things I want to focus on, and some markers to aim at by year end.


  • Run 500 miles — At just under 10 per week on average, this feels achievable, but will require consistency. A fall off the track will be hard to catch up from. I’d like to do some races in here, also.
  • Eat better — Nothing specific here. More cooking at home, more plants, less grease/fat, less quantity, more fish, more variety.
  • Meditate 10 minutes per day, 5 days per week (a total of 43 hours) — I’m enjoying this so far, want to get it closer to an automatic habit. It’s always something I enjoy having done once it’s done, but I don’t always look forward to it yet. As I’m learning, mindfulness practice can be frustrating once you know what you’re supposed to be doing.

Reading, Learning, and Writing

  • Read 50 books — I did almost this many this year. It’s doable.
  • Learn and do some work with R.
  • Get better with SQL.
  • Keep working on cartography and keeping up with open source geo (QGIS, PostGIS, OpenStreetMap)
  • Continue writing every day, 365 posts. Combining this with the reading habit is working well. I like using the process of writing “reviews” of books as a way to digest and think about what I read. If I could put together a full year streak, I’d be elated.


  • Go big with Fulcrum Community — We have some plans in store for this. Exciting to think about; time to execute.
  • Launch two new products — Good progress here already, will be bringing them public probably midway through the year.
  • Improve our product narratives all around — This goes for internal and external purposes.


  • Take the kids on a trip, just the family — Not sure where, but somewhere out west would be fun.
  • Buy a new house — Working on this now. Kind of a big deal, but we’ll see!

I’m planning on putting together a tracking tool so I can keep myself honest on progress. I’ll publish something on that in the coming weeks once I get it figured out. I’ll also put some reminders on the calendar to revisit my progress here on the blog once a quarter.

Now time to go read.

Topics:   personal   habits   health