Coleman McCormick

600 Miles

December 11, 2019 • #

The goal at the start of 2019 was to hit 500 miles running this year. Tonight’s run pushed me up to 602 miles for the year, with a couple of weeks left to go.

150+ miles more than any prior year
150+ miles more than any prior year

Through the mid-summer time I was only averaging 42 to 45 miles a month, which was barely keeping me over the pace mark week to week. I would log my runs and watch the moving plus/minus number I track and see myself float above for a couple days, below for a couple days, hovering around the pace for hitting 500.

In August I made the commitment to run the Halloween Distance Classic half marathon at the end of October, so August through October had me attacking a rough training plan to prep for the race. Mileage increased up to 71 and 88 miles, respectively in August and September. That really accelerated me beyond the pace and I crested 500 before I even finished the half (which I finished with under 10 minute pace).

I haven’t yet decided what I want to target for next year. There’ll likely be a couple of races and some kind of mileage target, but nothing crazy. I’ve got too many other things I want to spend time on. But I’m glad I was able to stay healthy enough to push forward to the best health I’ve ever been in.

Topics:   running   health   habits   goals