Coleman McCormick

Biking Again

July 21, 2019 • #

Last weekend I got the bike back up and running again. It’s been out of commission in the garage since the move a few months ago. Just had to clean it up a bit and put some air in the tires and it’s good to go. I’ve got a budding plan to start commuting down to the office, thinking I’ll start with a target of doing that two times per week to start. It’s about a 6 mile ride each way, which wouldn’t take much longer than driving, but in the summer heat here it’s plenty to require a shower when I get there. With the unpredictable weather here in the summer, committing myself to more than a couple commutes per week will just mean I’ll come up short on the goal.

My bike is only a single speed (a Takara Kabuto with no bells and whistles. It’s been reliable over the 7 or so years I’ve had it — no problems at all but tire replacement. I’m exploring getting a more serious road bike at some point, but I’ve told myself that’s not allowed until I can build up a good pattern of regular usage on the one I’ve got.

I went out for a loop ride yesterday and it felt good. My regular running has got my cardio up to make a decent pace ride pretty easy.

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