Coleman McCormick

🖌 Concepts →

May 13, 2020 • #

I just installed this iPad app for sketching, which intrigued me for a few of its features. I’ve tried dozens of apps, but they tend to fall too far into the art camp or the note-taking camp, without very many that serve both categories well.

My go-to for the last few years has been Notability. It’s great for most of what I want, which is for writing with interspersed sketches and annotations.

Though I haven’t used it much yet, Concepts seems to do well at both. My favorite feature is its infinite canvas, where I can continue sprawling out a sketch in any direction, versus a vertical or constrained sketch space. I guess my main use case tends to be a hybrid of note-taking and brainstorming / mind-mapping, so this one is intriguing so far.

Topics:   apps   tools   iPad