Coleman McCormick

👩🏽‍💻 Figma and Remote Work →

August 11, 2020 • #

A thoughtful and transparent post from Figma founder Dylan Field on their plans for re-establishing a hybrid / hub / remote model for the future of their teams.

In many ways, we followed our normal design process in revising this policy. We thought about the competitive landscape and ecosystem, collected data, explored different options and then converged on a solution. However, unlike making a product change, this was weirdly emotional for me—small changes in policy sometimes felt like we were leaping between potential worlds. I didn’t feel like I had a framework for the decision until the end of our process and at times it was as if there was nothing to hold onto.

The idea of hybrid sounds attractive to me personally, but I can see the possible risks he describes here in ending up with sort of the worst of both worlds — expensive but oft-deserted office and lack of clarity on who’s in or out each day. We’re unsure what our plan looks like specifically, but there’s no immediate pressure to overcommit on a particular plan just yet. This is interesting food for thought on what others are doing.

Topics:   remote work   work   coronavirus