Coleman McCormick

Goal Progress: March

April 1, 2019 • #

Month three is in the books. A seriously eventful month for us, so I’m surprised I was able to stay ahead of the curve.

Activity Progress Pace Goal Plus-Minus
Running 123.65 miles 123.29 miles 500 miles +0.36
Meditation 975 minutes 900 minutes 3650 minutes +75
Reading 15 books 11.1 books 50 books +3.90

We closed on the new house on the 15th, had an out-of-town trip to Jacksonville right after. Plus there was packing, moving, and child-management throughout. With all that going on I’m surprised I was able to stay on track, particularly with the running. I know last month my main observation about my performance was the fewer, longer runs I was planning to avoid. Turns out I didn’t do a great job. This month I’ll chalk that up as intentional — all of the time commitments this month made me push harder on the days I could run to make sure I could get in the miles and stay on track.

There’s still plenty to be done on the house front, but we’re past the worst of it. For April, I’m going to target more frequent runs in the ballpark of 4 miles and see how that works.

Topics:   habits   health   reading   running   meditation