Coleman McCormick

🌳 The Greening of the Earth β†’

December 16, 2019 β€’ #

In the category of good news, this study from NASA using MODIS satellite data shows trends of re-greening happening in countries like India and China. Surprising given the media attention on overexploitation of land:

The world is literally a greener place than it was 20 years ago, and data from NASA satellites has revealed a counterintuitive source for much of this new foliage: China and India. A new study shows that the two emerging countries with the world’s biggest populations are leading the increase in greening on land. The effect stems mainly from ambitious tree planting programs in China and intensive agriculture in both countries.

Pleasantly shocking numbers on the quantity this amounts to:

Taken all together, the greening of the planet over the last two decades represents an increase in leaf area on plants and trees equivalent to the area covered by all the Amazon rainforests. There are now more than two million square miles of extra green leaf area per year, compared to the early 2000s – a 5% increase.

Topics:   environmentalism   satellite   China   India