SF's Orange Sky
September 10, 2020 • #California, Washington, and Oregon are currently fighting wildfires peppering the Cascades and coastal ranges. Twitter was afire with photos of an eerie orange sky from the smoke blowing across the peninsula toward the Pacific.
Here are some highlights I flagged from around the Twitterverse:
Obligatory SF-from-Alameda-Point shot this afternoon + an eerie tree from my fav local beach. pic.twitter.com/aTHol2dqXy
— parker (@pt) September 10, 2020
Some cinematic drone footage:
San Francisco Today. pic.twitter.com/6pRXEKif7a
— Kumar (@datarade) September 10, 2020
The beginning of 28 Weeks Later:
2020 in a nutshell. COVID testing center and the Bay Bridge at noon under the wildfire-smoke sky. pic.twitter.com/1s40NO2cuv
— David Agranovich (@DavidAgranovich) September 9, 2020
Landing at SFO:
flew back to San Francisco this morning after a summer in New York... felt like this photo I took right before landing is a pretty concise summary of 2020 so far pic.twitter.com/rPmEDQCsPl
— Megan Paolone (@meganpaolone) September 9, 2020
Blurring the lines:
I thought it was bad when we couldn’t tell what day of the week it was. Now we can’t even tell if it’s day or night. pic.twitter.com/8XgZ6CVqo1
— Ryan Freitas (@ryanchris) September 9, 2020
Some apocalyptic street scenes:
No filter. Shot by iPhone 11. Designed in California. We deserve better than this. pic.twitter.com/TIxptBavbY
— Jenny Chan (@JennyChachan) September 9, 2020
Taking off:
This is what taking off at #SFO into today’s #OrangeSky looked like. ☢️ pic.twitter.com/Y4ivsFQNkI
— San Francisco International Airport (SFO) ✈️ (@flySFO) September 10, 2020
People really don’t know what to do right now. Everyone on the Embarcadero is stopping to record the sky and chit chatting in a way I haven’t seen since pre-pandemic @sfchronicle pic.twitter.com/ueKQ4g7WTD
— Jessica Christian (@jachristian) September 9, 2020
And welcome to Dune:
"Arrakis is a death trap," they told me. pic.twitter.com/27rBjZOVGP
— Eugene Wei (@eugenewei) September 9, 2020